Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old_RIP Aug 2020

Those who lost their battle with ASPS :(
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Olga »

It is hard to schedule the immunotherapy when there are brain mets situation that needs steroids. The time now to treat brain mets and see how is she going to feel, I hope they can start soon. I would remove the subcutaneous mets on the neck but now it is may be not the time, sometimes the treatment for the brain mets have the difficult recovery time. As I understand, you will have to pay for the radiosurgery? is it expensive?
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Saskia »

Hello and happy Sunday,
Saskias's 3 sessions of cyber knife against 6 brain Mets last week are done. 1st session was 2,5 hours, 2nd and 3rd 30 min each. She has not side effects and feels wonderful and very positive.
We decided against radiating the tumor Ed as there is nothing showing up there at the moment and pray for no rezidives here in the future.
The treatment costs 4200 euros and insurance is still figuring out if they'll pay for it. Let's see.
We are very happy and thankful for your recommendation for Saphir Radiology in Frankfurt!!!

Tomorrow we'll have CT lungs and will start with sutent. While being on sutent as a TKI I guess there will be no chance to remove the subcotan skin Mets at the moment.
If lungs are stable or better (abscopal effect?! - I would be very surprised to have luck one time but pray for it) we should maybe think of skipping the beginning of TKI treatment and first remove the skin Mets?!

Saskia is also one more week on her full cortisone and antibiotics treatment.
Cortisone Dexa with 8mg mornings, 4mg midday.
Antiobiotics cotrim forte Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.
From Thursday on we will reduce.

Additionally she has 2x 1000mg Levetiracetam daily against cramps.
We were told she needs to take them for the rest of her life but I'm not convinced. The cramps came from the high brain pressure.

Have a lovely Sunday and Olga, I'm happy for Ivan and his stable disease. Good to have a break from ICI.

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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by D.ap »

Hello Tanja and Saskia ,

Truly happy to hear the cyberknife has been completed and Saskia is feeling good .

Two things I’d like to address as we were in your shoes back in 2014 to 2015 as -

We had SRS to 3 brain tumors , considerably smaller 4mm, 5mm and 1cm. Because a of what appeared on the mri to be necrosis of the 1cm tumor we had to follow up with LITT of the largest 1cm tumor in April 2015.

And we were placed on Keppra after our son had a post seizure episode , after LITT. Procedure was in April and the seizure happened in May.

The cyberknife should be the focus in my opinion .
Staying on steroids and Keppra will help with that considerably.
The Keppra can cause lots of insomnia so be super aware of that side affect .

Bonni back then shared her experience about steriods and also shared with me an article on the possible brain tumor management ,after radiation .

“The management of brain necrosis as a result of SRS treatment for intra-cranial tumors”

Sending hugs and prayers ,
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by D.ap »

Hoping that Saskia is feeling stronger with each
new day .😊🙏
Love ,
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Saskia »

Dear Debbie and all

Thanks for having us on your mind. We've been pretty busy organizing every day life but is working better and better. Saskia is walking much better now. Not completely alone.... But wonderful. Her right hand is still paralysed... We need to be patient.
Sutent 25mg/d plus D, L methadon is with only few side effects. Dry skin, losing hair on some parts (we're not sure if it comes from sutent or cyber knife), dry mouth.
In 2 weeks we will go to 37, mg/d.

Pls everybody take extra special super care of yourselves in those Corona times in this whole world and I pray for everybody to receive ongoing treatment for our rare asps
Have a wonderful sunday

Big hugs and love
Saskia and Tanja
Scans: MRI brain, end of apr/beginning May, CT lungs end of May
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Saskia »

Hello friends,
After a while I'd like to post an update of Saskia as we had the scans and now wonder how to continue. I'm absolutely clueless at the moment. Everything still seems to be progressive.
Cyber knife worked on her biggest brain met well and it shrinked. 5 more little brain Mets seem to be stable.
Her bone met on her leg above the respected primary grew. 2 more bone Mets in skull appeared and lung Mets seem to be progressive.
Tomorrow we have an appointment for regular radiation on the bone Mets to be set up. Maybe this starts next week. So for the 2 skull Mets and the leg bone met and for her hugely growing skin met at her head which seems to be getting necrotic and starts being open somehow. Docs said the radiation will stop it or destroy it. Let's see.

According to treatment we are absolutely confused. She is on Sunitinib since 5th of March with 25mg per day. We tried 37,5 which she couldn't stand at all. She had cortisone and antibiotics til 25th of March. We now wonder if it was too early to make the point Sunitinib didn't work as all other medication may interfere?! Til everything might be out of her system may have taken a while as well to let Sunitinib do its work. Is this right?

Her oncologist again wants to take her off this TKI saying it should have worked anyway by now. I'm not so sure and begged to give it more time til mid of June. (radiation will be in between now anyway). Mid of June next scans head, leg and lungs.
Oncologist further on now suggests only chemo with Doxo/Ifo for half a year. 1 week hospital, 3 weeks home. I have the feeling Saskia can't make it physically and mentally at the moment. But oncologist stressed as this cancer seems to be too dynamic and fast to do so and if it doesn't help to also continue with trabectedin.
We also still have an approval for 6x Atezolizumab which we consider and made up our mind to combine it with Ipilimumab to work on both ways PDL1 and CTLA4 as we only tried Keytruda with PD1 way which didn't work.
Also I put an eye on Anlotinib but still need to figure out if it is available in Germany.

Here are my thoughts with it:
As Saskia doesn't seem to be stable enough for Doxo/Ifo and hospital stays I'd better like to consider Atezolizumab (combi with Ipilimumab?) or ask for Anlotinib.
If it still progresses (we need to have scans in this time regularly) and her whole condition might getting worse or she can't breath etc. we could still switch immediately to chemo anyway. Or we could do a combi of atezolizumab without Ipilimumab and add chemo still.

What do you suggest?

Her oncologist suggested the other way around. First chemo and if she couldn't stand it to switch to ICI Atezolizumab. This isn't logical to me as you first destroy the immune system and then try to support something which may not work for a while.
Oncologists argument for the chemo is that we may not have enough time to wait for an ICI to hit in.
I know that her asps seems to be aggressive and progresses but while looking at her she seems to still cope. For sure I also read about 2 or 3 people here in the forum where chemo helped despite everything we know about asps.....
I have no idea and am pretty anxious and sad.

Feel warmly hugged and all stay save
Tanja and Saskia and family
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Olga »

Hi Tanja,
since Saskia is off steroids for almost two months already, it makes sense to proceed with the atezolizumab. But the fast growing skin met at her head, if irradiated, will be a big burden for her immune system. I would advocate resecting it, not irradiating it, even if the resection might be not done with the wide margins. Also what is the reason for the regular radiation recommended for the bone met? If it is a small sized, any of local ablation - RFA or LITT can be done, ask the oncologist to consult Dr.Vogl he treated ASPS patients in the past ... rt-am-main
or the radiosurgery again.
If the local ablation or radiosurgery might be agreed on for the bone met, then the immunotherapy can start after 1 treatment +/- 1 or 2 days.
Since the brain mets were treated successfully at the radiosurgery center, perhaps they could agree to pay for the radiosurgery treatment for the bone met? the regular irradiation is ineffective for ASPS and will interfere with the immunotherapy fore sure.
so basically for now you should do something with the skull met. If it is inflamed and starting to break, the immune system is going to be suppressed, and if it is treated with the local conventional irradiation, the immune system is going to be suppressed. Ask for referral to the surgeon. Explain to the surgeon that the plan is to try immunotherapy after it is removed and the area is healed.
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Saskia »

Dear Olga, Debbie and Bonni,

We have lost time and I'm devastated completely about faults we have been made eventually. I was ill myself in June and quiet haven't been myself, not been able to hold track and make good decisions. Usually keen on doing what you suggest because it is right. We had a difficult time organising Saskia's care with help of my husband and son because I wasn't able to.

Saskia had irradiation which was the only recommendation of her oncologist. She had 5days 4 Gy irradiation on the bone met on her leg, her subcutan met at her head and subcutan met left buttocks.

In June Saskia reached and developed high toxicity of sutent. She lost a lot of weight, is very weak and her immune system is down but slowly getting better (NLR in June 11ish, now 7ish). We stopped Sutent for more than a week, took half dosis then and finally stopped sutent a week ago again. scans have been this week and the overall feedback from her oncologist is progress again. Worst lung.
Only recommendation from her was palliative care at home, giving her only some more months to live as she lives any way longer as she expected. I never ever heard any options from her side over more than a year. As no treatment worked to Saskia she only wants to try chemo. She argues that Saskia's ASPS must be something special on top with having defects on Chromosom 17 and p53 mutate p53 etc. But I figured this all is common with ASPS. all the time she didn't look into this forum and has never been convinced how to handle asps..... Removing primary, excision of reachable Mets etc. She wanted to keep all subcutan Mets to visually mirror them etc.
We are really lost.

Dr. Vogl is not at Uniklinik Frankfurt anymore. We have been there in Feb at radiation team and talked to Prof. Dr. Roedl who is in charge now. He suggested the WBR. That was when we denied and did cyber knife at Saphir finally. Thanks to you.

Here is the overview of scan results:
Leg: no recurrent
Buttocks(?) left/gluteal: 4,1cm (before: 3,4cm + 2,1cm) - but radiologist result speaks of progress. I calculate regression
Trochanter major ossar: no growth
Femurdiaphyse: no growth
Vossa ovarica right: met growth 2,2x1,9cm (1,1x0,7)
Vossa ovarica left: 2x1,4cm (1,3x0,7)
(I understand those are bone Mets?!)
Lung: worse, uncountable (she is breathing without support but has small endurance as she isn't exercising much)

Head: right frontal 2,45cm (1,88), kranial 1,6cm (9mm), right okzipital juxtakortial 5mm (2mm), right parietal juxtakortial 2mm (6mm)
My husband is at Saphir Radiology at the moment to provide the CDs and discuss scans with Dr. Wolf.

To discuss treatments for Saskia's bone Mets and around 5 subcutan Mets at her head (1), neck(huge ca. 6x4cm)and 3 at upper back (from to 2 cm) we do now reach out to Uniklinik Marburg/Gießen which offer all those mentioned different irradiation options you mentioned like SBRT, RFA and kryoablation e.g.
Hopefully we can manage to have an appointment soon.
What would you still recommend?
Wounds of skin need to heal for too long maybe to start any ICI?! We still handle the wound on her leg from primary surgery.

For treatment we still have the feeling to use Atezolizumab.
Do you think this might be too slow working?
Shall we add and ask for Ipilimumab as well?

Doc suggests Yondelis.

I'm so embarrassed to write to you again and ask for help, support and more words of hope because I failed in June.
Saskia still wants to fight for her life and doesn't want to give up which is difficult to her after having this talk yesterday with her oncologist giving her only some more months.

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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Olga »

Hi Tanja,
it is a very sad post from you indeed. I have to say that you do not have to blame yourself at all - after reading all the metastatic sites and progression you posted, I now realize that we were not aware of the extend of the spread in Saskia case, and of the tumor load. Did you know about the bilateral ovaries tumors? I am pretty sure these are metastases to the ovaries, not the bone metastases. If they were present before, and since ASPS is suspected to be a hormone sensitive tumor, perhaps these ovarian metastases were the reason there was a progression in numerous metastatic sites and an unusual large numbers of the soft tissue subcutaneous metastases - scalp, neck, lower spine etc. Ovarian metastases often cause hormonal overactivity. Can you ask the oncologist for the additional blood work for hormones? We already had few cases of the rapid progression in the pregnant ASPS patients during the third trimester of the term, so progesterone reactivity is strongly suggested, along with the estrogen. Perhaps some of the hormonal treratments/blockers could be used if this is proven to be the case.
Brain metastases are likely to cause the problems sooner than the rest.
Irradiation of the large subcutaneous tumors is likely not possible. as it is going to create a very large wound, damaging the skin with the skin burn. The resection, even sub-optimal of that next tumor might be an option to de-bulk? I am pretty sure they will disagree as there are to many tumors everywhere.
Youndelis - we have no evidence based comments, some ppl tried it I do not remember the result.
Atezolizumab. She can try it, it does not hurt. Less side effects. Usually ppl with the large brain mets are not allowed due to possible bleeding.
Have you looked for the clinical trials with the subcutaneous injection into tumor some kind of ICI? Covid makes everything more difficult for sure.
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Saskia »

Dear Olga, Debbie and Bonnie,
Saskia grew the most wonderful wings last Sunday evening surrounded by family and friends at home in her room as she wished..... And did never wish as well because she so wanted to win this fight and live.
She already sent us a shooting star. We know we will always be surrounded by her. But we are also so disappointed to have lost the fight and sad about all we will miss with her in the future her on earth.
For all of pls never give up and we wish you all the best and success and hopefully one day a treatment that works absolutely 100%

Tanja, Holger and Keanu
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by D.ap »

Tanja and family ,

From our family to yours , we are extending prayers for the days ahead be full of happy memories and as well as sending hugs .

Please know that our hearts are broken as well...

Much love and prayers,
The Pearson’s 💞
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Olga »

Tanja, it is a very sad loss, one more young life is cut short by this cruel disease. ASPS attacked your beautiful young daughter with all vengeance, it was a really hard battle.
Please accept our condolences. I will later move Saskia topic to the Rest in Peace part of the forum, for her to have her memory place for as long as we continue to exist as a community.
Take care of yourself,
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old

Post by Naynay »

Hi Tanja,
I'm so sorry for your loss. I am relatively new to this forum, trying to help my partner through their ASPS diagnosis. Saskia's story has really hit my heart. I hope your family is taking comfort in each other during this difficult time. Please know I am thinking of you.
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old_RIP Aug 2020

Post by Olga »

Saskia mom shared with us these beautiful pictures of the beautiful girl that left this world for the place where is no pain..sharing
SASKIA_2.jpg (73.28 KiB) Viewed 3450 times
SASKIA_1.jpg (27.99 KiB) Viewed 3450 times
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Re: Saskia from Germany - Dx 2019 at 23 years old_RIP Aug 2020

Post by D.ap »

Tanja, Holger and Keanu

Such a beautiful young lady ...

Olga thank you for sharing.

Love and hugs ,
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