Concerning information about Dasatanib's pulmonary risks

Currently open trial with ASPS patients participating
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Bonni Hess
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Concerning information about Dasatanib's pulmonary risks

Post by Bonni Hess »

Dear ASPS Community Friends,
Recently published information documents the increased risks of significant pulmonary side effects associated with Dasatanib use. This important and very concerning information can be accessed at
In this article which was published 10/11/2011 the FDA is warning the public that Dasatinib may increase the risk of a rare, but serious condition in which there is abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs called pulmonary arterial hypertension [PAH]).
This is very significant information for those of you who may be considering Dasatinib treatment and should be thoroughly researched and discussed with your oncologist before beginning treatment with this drug. Heartbreakingly, our ASPS Community has now lost three patients who had taken Dasatinib and had failed responses to the drug. According to information which I received, one of the patients died as a result of complications from pneumonia which may or may not have been related to pulmonary side effects of the Dasatinib, but she did have lung fluid retention problems during the course of her Dasatinib treatment.
With special caring thoughts and continued Hope,
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