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Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:57 am
by MarietjievdMerwe
Dear Bonni and Everybody!

Baby Brother Tok is at home! He is in very good spirits and joking about his non-excisting calve muscles. :) He is however, lining up an excercise regime of some sorts, which is fantastic to hear him planning on getting back to his old self.

He lost about 8kg, which is also a bonus, as he wanted to be a little on the lighter side. :)

All in all we are so Greatful for everything now behind him and him gaining a little control over his life again.

He has to go back to oncology on the 24th of Nov, but I know this will only be to schedule a CT and maybe a MRI. At this stage this is all we will plan for. First he has to be his old self and the rest we will take as it comes along. We know that there are mets in his lungs and that we will handle when the time comes.

Maybe that's the best attitude for us for the time being.

At this stage i am doing the happy dance and we will visit him very soon.

Love to all.

Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:29 am
by D.ap
Marietjie and Tok

Back at you with the happy dance!
Great news.


Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:25 am
by Bonni Hess
Dear Marietjie,
I am also doing the happy dance with the very good news that Tok is now Home from the hospital with his surgery behind him, in good humor with a positive attitude, and feeling motivated to exercise and regain control of his Life :-). You all deserve a much needed break from all that all of you have been through with the challenges of Tok's courageous ASPS battle, and I Hope that you can relax and celebrate the joy of the successful outcome of Tok's surgery and his happy Homecoming before moving forward with the next step in his ASPS journey and treatment plans. Take care dear Marietjie and know how grateful I am for your shared good news.
With happy hugs, special caring thoughts, healing wishes, much love, and continued Hope,
Bonni :-)

Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:06 am
by Amanda
Oh Hun my heart feels such relief now!

That's what survivors do! We do what it is an move ourselves on the road again!

He is blessed as I an others are to deal one by one with the mets!

I pray that everyone has the strength an looking towards the future an to hell with the past!

Send him my hugs an tell him tomorrow is better then yesterday!

As I wright this it is also reminding myself of this an I have been thru a lot and was loosing track of tomorrow,

So thank you for posting this wonderful news!

Ask him to speak to them now in advance about pain control use this time to be ready if needed

Hope an so happy he is doing great! :)

Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:49 am
by MarietjievdMerwe
And the last post was from our dear Amanda. :(

There is no news on Tok. He sold his house and is living with our youngest brother on a farm. I spoke to him this morning and he sounded in very good spirits.


I presume he will go for a blood test in the next week or two, but for the moment he is taking it one day at a time.

He is however, still battling with phantom pains. :( There was some medication he took for it, but he had a severe reaction to it, which resulted in him going back on morphine.

It is just very frustrating and very worrying that he is not receiving any treatment, but he is being taken care of with much love.

Kind regards.

Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:31 am
by D.ap
Hello Marietjie :)

I am glad to hear of Tok's good spirits !
You are doing all that you can do and that is being supportive. :)
I hope the meds help with the pains soon.

All my love

Re: Tok from South Africa - Dx around 2004

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:03 pm
by Bonni Hess
Dear Marietjie,
As always, thank you for your thoughtful update about Tok which is deeply appreciated. I am grateful that with the exception of the difficult phantom pain :-( from his arm amputation, that he seems to be doing well and is in good spirits :-). I share your concern about his lack of any kind of monitoring scans or treatment right now and Hope that his doctors understand the critical importance of regular scans with this unpredictable disease to ensure that any possible new mets are diagnosed and treated at the smallest possible size for the best chance of a successful response to whatever treatment may be necessary. Blood tests are not adequate to diagnose new mets and disease progression so he needs to have scans also. He is so fortunate to have such a loving and faithful sister to support and encourage him and a brother who he is now able to live with and who is providing care and love. Take care dear Marietjie and keep in touch as you are able.
With special hugs, caring thoughts, healing wishes for Tok, and continued Hope,